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A beginner’s guide to becoming a better reader

We are just past the first quarter of 2022 and if at this point you haven’t started on your reading goals, we’re here to help!

Here are some suggestions to help you get the habit started and possibly make it stick.

  1. Set Goals

How many books do you think you can reasonably read per week? or even per month? Pick a realistic number of books to read and stick with it. It could be one book a week or two books a month, whatever your schedule allows. Deciding on a number that feels attainable yet challenging will push you just outside of your reading comfort zone and into your goals. Goodreads is also a very useful tool to keep track of your progress.

  1. Make a List

Make a list or a to be read (TBR) pile of books. These can be books that you already own and have not read or recommendations that you would like to read. This way, as soon as you finish one novel you can move right on to the next without spending too much time searching for your next read. Choose topics and books that are interesting to you. Choosing books that you like makes reading fun

  1. Budget

Money makes the world go around and because books are the world well... you get the idea. Make a budget and explore your options. Books come in many formats, each with varying price ranges that you can utilize. E-books and audiobooks tend to cost less than hard copies. Joining a library is also an excellent way to get a wide variety of great books for a small cost.

  1. Join A Book Club

Joining a book club is a great way to stay on top of your reading goals. Book club meetings are usually on a monthly basis and the picks are either a group effort or are selected by the book club leader. Either way, this is a great way of making sure that you’ll read at least one book for the month. Additionally, being part of a group will hold you responsible and motivate you to finish a book. And when the club meets, you’ll have fun discussing and sharing your opinions about the book.

  1. Create Opportunities

Look for moments during your day where you can slip a bit of reading in. Listening to audiobooks while commuting to work or even when doing household chores can get you to your goal. Or maybe setting aside 20 minutes just before bed or just after you wake up to read a few pages will fit your schedule.  Carving out time can make a huge difference in closing the distance between you and your reading goals.